Relation: Neustädtischer Kreis (1660-1815) (2807493)
Version #8
Corrected error in Saxe-Meiningen/Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach boundary
admin_level | 5 |
boundary | administrative |
end_date | 1815-06-08 |
end_date:edtf | 1815-06-09 |
name | Neustädtischer Kreis (1660-1815) |
place | state |
start_date | 1660 |
type | boundary |
wikipedia | de:Neustädtischer Kreis |
Part of
6 relations
- Relation Electorate of Saxony (1780-1806) (2806956) (as subarea)
- Relation Duchy of Saxe-Zeitz (2830431) (as subarea)
- Relation Electorate of Saxony (1806) (2808058) (as subarea)
- Relation Kingdom of Saxony (1809-1815) (2808059) (as subarea)
- Relation Kingdom of Saxony (1807-1809) (2808060) (as subarea)
- Relation Kingdom of Saxony (1806-1807) (2808061) (as subarea)
77 members
- Node Neustädtischer Kreis (2125021252) as label
- Way 198663479 as outer
- Way 198663478 as outer
- Way 198663473 as inner
- Way 198663477 as inner
- Way 198663472 as inner
- Way 198663475 as inner
- Way 198663476 as inner
- Way 198663474 as inner
- Way 198662685 as outer
- Way 198663457 as outer
- Way 198663456 as outer
- Way 198662683 as outer
- Way 198663444 as outer
- Way 198587357 as outer
- Way 198587359 as outer
- Way 198587362 as outer
- Way 198587369 as outer
- Way 198587870 as inner
- Way 198587364 as outer
- Way 198587361 as outer
- Way 198580546 as outer
- Way 198587217 as outer
- Way 198587218 as outer
- Way 198587367 as outer
- Way 198587365 as outer
- Way 200586436 as inner
- Way 198556820 as inner
- Way 198556872 as outer
- Way 198557306 as outer
- Way 198587363 as outer
- Way 198556815 as outer
- Way 198556816 as outer
- Way 198556817 as outer
- Way 198556819 as outer
- Way 198556833 as outer
- Way 198556826 as outer
- Way 198556823 as outer
- Way 198586742 as outer
- Way 198586741 as outer
- Way 198586743 as outer
- Way 198586730 as outer
- Way 198586729 as outer
- Way 198586733 as outer
- Way 198586740 as outer
- Way 198586734 as outer
- Way 198586737 as outer
- Way 198586735 as outer
- Way 198586739 as outer
- Way 198586732 as outer
- Way 198557288 as outer
- Way 198556822 as outer
- Way 200587409 as outer
- Way 198588994 as outer
- Way 198588995 as outer
- Way 200586437 as outer
- Way 200587408 as outer
- Way 198728757 as outer
- Way 198728759 as outer
- Way 198556821 as outer
- Way 198556874 as outer
- Way 198556873 as outer
- Way 198662550 as outer
- Way 198662697 as outer
- Way 198556827 as outer
- Way 198585840 as outer
- Way 198585839 as outer
- Way 198581471 as outer
- Way 198585842 as outer
- Way 198585836 as outer
- Way 198585642 as outer
- Way 198585838 as outer
- Way 200157403 as outer
- Way 200161155 as outer
- Way 200161156 as outer
- Way 200161153 as outer
- Way 198725371 as inner
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