Relation: WI NCA 1 (2794445)
Version #1
Uploading chronology relations for Newberry Library Atlas of Historic County Boundaries Part 10/10
- Edited by newberry_import
- Changeset #107728
end_date | 1841-02-17 |
license | CC0-1.0 |
name | WI NCA 1 |
place | county |
source | |
source:name | Newberry Library Atlas of Historical County Boundaries |
start_date | 1840-08-03 |
start_event | That portion of present Wisconsin and Minnesota that had been in CHIPPEWA (Mich.) and MICHILIMACKINAC (now MACKINAC, Mich.) became Non-County Area 1 when Wisconsin Territory was created from Michigan Territory. |
type | chronology |
3 members
- Relation WI NCA 1 (1836-1838) (2787960)
- Relation WI NCA 1 (1838-1840) (2787959)
- Relation WI NCA 1 (1840-1841) (2787958)
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