Relation: Regierungsbezirk Kattowitz (1939-1945) (2693605)
Version #12
Pre-split various ways for use in Galician Bezirke; improved a few sections
admin_level | 5 |
boundary | administrative |
end_date | 1945 |
name | Regierungsbezirk Kattowitz (1939-1945) |
start_date | 1939 |
type | boundary |
60 members
- Way 199421339 as outer
- Way 199421338 as outer
- Way 199421337 as outer
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- Way 198203463 as outer
- Way 198580635 as outer
- Way 199421330 as outer
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- Way 199622869 as outer
- Way 198202473 as outer
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- Way 199421329 as outer
- Way 199421327 as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202635) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202625) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202648) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202623) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202626) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202630) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202631) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202622) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202627) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202621) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202624) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202634) as outer
- Way CZ,SK (198202633) as outer
- Way 198275200 as outer
- Way 200508177 as outer
- Way 198554533 as outer
- Way 200523969 as outer
- Way 198707337 as outer
- Way 198573194 as outer
- Way 198580633 as outer
- Way 198580226 as outer
- Way 198580548 as outer
- Way 198580547 as outer
- Way 198580615 as outer
- Way 198580616 as outer
- Way 198580256 as outer
- Way 198580621 as outer
- Way 198580231 as outer
- Way 198580230 as outer
- Way 198580242 as outer
- Way 198580394 as outer
- Way 199632210 as outer
- Way 199632219 as outer
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- Way 199632229 as outer
- Way 199632215 as outer
- Way 199632230 as outer
- Way 199632221 as outer
- Way 199632216 as outer
- Way 199632217 as outer
- Way 198203011 as outer
- Way 198203010 as outer
- Way 198203086 as outer
- Way 198203314 as outer
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