Relation: Free State of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (2693287)
Version #25
Added Schmalkalden to Henneberg-Schleusingen; Added Seebergen exclave to Schwarzburg(-Rudolstadt) pre-1825; Improved some boundaries
admin_level | 4 |
boundary | administrative |
end_date | 1920-04-30 |
end_date:edtf | 1920-05-01 |
name | Freistaat Schwarzburg-Sondershausen |
name:de | Freistaat Schwarzburg-Sondershausen |
name:en | Free State of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen |
start_date | 1918-11-22 |
type | boundary |
wikidata | Q1454729 |
51 members
- Way 198690907 as outer
- Way 198690695 as outer
- Way 198691902 as outer
- Way 198691335 as outer
- Way 198691901 as outer
- Way 198691903 as outer
- Way 198674815 as outer
- Way 198692291 as outer
- Way 198692256 as outer
- Way 198692456 as outer
- Way 198692457 as outer
- Way 198576682 as outer
- Way 198576683 as outer
- Way 198576697 as outer
- Way 198561733 as outer
- Way 198556856 as outer
- Way 198556855 as outer
- Way 198556865 as outer
- Way 198556869 as outer
- Way 198692455 as outer
- Way 198692293 as outer
- Way 198674816 as outer
- Way 198692740 as outer
- Way 198692741 as outer
- Way 198556853 as outer
- Way 198675060 as outer
- Way 198674808 as outer
- Way 198674809 as outer
- Way 198576691 as outer
- Way 198557291 as outer
- Way 198589512 as outer
- Way 198589511 as outer
- Way 198589508 as outer
- Way 198589509 as outer
- Way 198557294 as outer
- Way 198692738 as outer
- Way 198692460 as outer
- Way 198576693 as outer
- Way 198673617 as outer
- Way 198576673 as outer
- Way 198576672 as outer
- Way 198576675 as outer
- Way 198576670 as outer
- Way 198583915 as outer
- Way 198576669 as outer
- Way 198576667 as outer
- Way 199626452 as outer
- Way 198583914 as outer
- Way 198576668 as outer
- Node Freistaat Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (2118104233) as label
- Node Sondershausen (2095918408) as admin_centre
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