Relation: Province of East Prussia (1939-1943) (2692539)
Version #47
Added various Regierungsbezirke as subareas of the Provinces of Prussia; made a few dates more specific
admin_level | 4 |
boundary | administrative |
end_date | 1943-10-19 |
end_date:cause | 1943 exchanges with Bezirk Bialystok in LK Sudauen; 1945 dissolution after WW2 |
end_date:edtf | 1943-10-20 |
name | Provinz Ostpreußen (1939-1943) |
name:de | Provinz Ostpreußen (1939-1943) |
name:en | Province of East Prussia (1939-1943) |
start_date | 1939 |
start_date:cause | 1939: Incorporation of Zichenau, Suwalki, Memelland |
type | boundary |
wikidata | Q103801 |
93 members
- Way 198587828 as outer
- Way 198543660 as outer
- Way 198543799 as outer
- Way 198574651 as outer
- Way 198560837 as outer
- Way 198561674 as outer
- Way 198738356 as outer
- Way 198738354 as outer
- Way 199626277 as outer
- Way 199626278 as outer
- Way 199626275 as outer
- Way 198543666 as outer
- Way 198561671 as outer
- Way 198738089 as outer
- Way 198640578 as outer
- Way 198561665 as outer
- Way 198548361 as outer
- Way 198598292 as outer
- Way 198567352 as outer
- Way 198561662 as outer
- Way 198717473 as outer
- Way 199465392 as outer
- Way 198555192 as outer
- Way 198729066 as outer
- Way 198563690 as outer
- Way 198663099 as outer
- Way 198556339 as outer
- Way 198567353 as outer
- Way 198573203 as outer
- Way 198561679 as outer
- Way 198573206 as outer
- Way 198573205 as outer
- Way 198573207 as outer
- Way 198651463 as outer
- Way 198717478 as outer
- Way 199625920 as outer
- Way 198717477 as outer
- Way 198652983 as outer
- Way 198652984 as outer
- Way 198716429 as outer
- Way 198560831 as outer
- Way 198727163 as outer
- Way 198573213 as outer
- Way 198573210 as outer
- Way 198724284 as outer
- Way 198724289 as outer
- Way 199414040 as outer
- Way 198723945 as outer
- Way 198723946 as outer
- Way 198580630 as outer
- Way 198723957 as outer
- Way 199414048 as outer
- Way 198723963 as outer
- Way 199414046 as outer
- Way 198573211 as outer
- Way 198724018 as outer
- Way 198751276 as outer
- Way 199465401 as outer
- Way 198560824 as outer
- Way 198724017 as outer
- Way 198575370 as outer
- Way 198543802 as outer
- Way 199416122 as outer
- Way 199416119 as outer
- Way 198654965 as outer
- Way 198561934 as outer
- Way 198561936 as outer
- Way 198748817 as outer
- Way 198543806 as outer
- Way 198748874 as outer
- Way 198560836 as outer
- Way 198543805 as outer
- Way 198574396 as outer
- Way 198748873 as outer
- Way 199858343 as outer
- Way 198560853 as outer
- Way 198574395 as outer
- Way 198560856 as outer
- Way 198748812 as outer
- Way 198748876 as outer
- Way 198748813 as outer
- Way 198748877 as outer
- Way 198560865 as outer
- Way 198574391 as outer
- Way 198717572 as outer
- Way 198560859 as outer
- Way 198555200 as outer
- Node Provinz Ostpreußen (2091925893) as label
- Relation Regierungsbezirk Königsberg (1920-1945) (2692542) as subarea
- Relation Regierungsbezirk Allenstein (1920-1939) (2693151) as subarea
- Relation Regierungsbezirk Gumbinnen (1939-1943) (2692541) as subarea
- Relation Regierungsbezirk Zichenau (1939 10-11) (2741374) as subarea
- Relation Regierungsbezirk Zichenau (1939-1945) (2692540) as subarea
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